
Учебное пособие по дисциплине “Иностранный язык” /английский/ для студентов медицинского колледжа

Автор: Воронцова Светлана Федоровна
Должность: преподаватель иностранного языка
Учебное заведение: ГБУ "ПОО "Астраханский базовый медицинский колледж"
Населённый пункт: г. Астрахань
Наименование материала: учебное пособие
Тема: Учебное пособие по дисциплине “Иностранный язык” /английский/ для студентов медицинского колледжа
Раздел: среднее профессиональное


ГБУ «ПОО « Астраханский базовый медицинский колледж » Учебное пособие по дисциплине “ Иностранный язык ” / английский / для студентов медицинского колледжа Подготовил: преподаватель иностранного языка Воронцова С.Ф.
Астрахань, 2017
Пояснительная записка
Учебное пособие по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» /английский/» (далее по тексту - Пособие) подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС СПО для специальностей Сестринское дело (3 курсы), Лечебное дело , Акушерское дело и Лабораторная диагностика по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский). Цель Пособия – изучение и работа с текстовым материалом, необходимым для совершенствования навыков и умений чтения адаптированной и аутентичной медицинской литературы и ведения беседы по медицинской тематике. Пособие включает тексты, заимствованные из различных источников как отечественной, так и зарубежной литературы по медицине. В пособии представлены тексты с тематическими заданиями. Предлагаются темы, отражающие профессиональную направленность каждой из специальностей. Для работы с текстом предлагаются задания: на чтение, перевод, нахождение эквивалентов лексики в текстовом материале на английском и русском языках и формирование относительно самостоятельных высказываний, а также ответы на вопросы. 2

OUR MEALS AND DIET..................................................................................................4 VITAMINS......................................................................................................................... 5 MINERALS........................................................................................................................ 6 HIV..................................................................................................................................... 8 HISTORY TAKING..........................................................................................................10 METHODS OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION................................................................12 FUNCTIONS OF NURSE................................................................................................13 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF PREGNANT WOMEN............................................14 LABOUR.......................................................................................................................... 16 BABY HYGIENE.............................................................................................................17 OBSTETRIC HISTORY...................................................................................................19 BLOOD TRANSFUSION................................................................................................ 22 SURGERY........................................................................................................................ 24 INTRODUCTION INTO GENERAL SURGERY...........................................................26 THE HISTORY OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION.....................................................28 SMOKING STUDY SHOWS NEW CANCER RISK.....................................................31 DRUGS............................................................................................................................. 32 WHAT MUST YOU KNOW ABOUT AIDS?..................................................................34 ЛИТЕРАТУРА…………………………………………………………………………..37 3


Our eating habits affect our health. If a person has no breakfast, or poor breakfast he feels tired or cross and hungry till lunch. Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. Different foods do different things for the body. If a person wants to be in good health he must be careful about his meals and diet. Diet should contain everything sufficient to supply the needs of the body. People of physical work need more food than and form strong teeth and bones. It is important to know that a diet must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. In the hospital the doctor usually prescribes the diet for every patient. A person with high temperature and poor appetite needs caloric diet. You can treat many diseases by diet.
1. habit - привычка 2. to feel tired or cross - чувствовать себя усталым и раздраженным 3. fuel - топливо 4. sufficient - достаточный 5. to supply - снабжать, поставлять
Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Влиять на здоровье; сопротивляться болезни; содержать все необходимое, чтобы обеспечить потребности тела; умственная работа; углеводы; плохой аппетит
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents
Найдите русские эквиваленты.
a form of fuel; form strong teeth and bones; must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins
Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What will happen if we have no breakfast? 2. Why do we say that food is a form of fuel? 3. Why must a person be careful about meals and diet? 4. Do people of mental work need more food? 5. What diet does a person with high temperature and poor appetite need? 4


Vitamins play a very important role in human health. The story of vitamins began more than 100 years ago when a Polish chemist extracted from rice polishings a crystalline substance. This substance could cure beriberi. The chemist called it "vitamin". Vitamins are necessary for the growth and health, development and general health of the body. Overdosage of some vitamins may be harmful, so people must take normal doses of them. In planning a nutrition program for a person, we must know that certain foods are the best sources of each body requirement. We must eat carrots, fish, oil and eggs because they contain vitamin A which protects eyesight, increases resistance to infection. We may find vitamin В in liver, yeast and eggs. It strengthens nervous system. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamin С which helps to recover after illness. We find vitamins D and E in milk, eggs, fish liver oil, yeast and soya. They help the body in formation of bones and strong teeth, improve poor blood circulation.
1. rice polishing – рисовая шелуха; 2. resistance - сопротивляемость; 3. yeast - дрожжи; 4. to improve - улучшать; 5. nutrition - питание; 6. requirement - требование, запрос; 7. certain - определенный.
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Играют очень важную роль; дозировки в пределах нормы; при планировании программы питания; защищает зрение; укрепляет нервную систему; рыбий жир.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
a crystalline substance; are necessary for the growth and health; may be harmful ; certain foods are the best sources of each body requirement; resistance to infection;
Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Do vitamins play a very important role in human health? 2. When did the story of vitamins begin? 5
3. What are the vitamins necessary for? 4. What vitamin protects eyesight, increases resistance to infection? 5. Does vitamin D help the body in formation of bones and strong teeth?

Minerals are an essential part of life on Earth as they work to promote the health of all living cells. They are necessary ingredients of life. There are over 20 minerals which are essential for mammalian life on Earth. Among these, there are some minerals that appear with the most prevalence in the human body.
plays an important role in forming bones and teeth; helps with blood clotting, and muscle and nerve function. We can find calcium in salmon, sardines, milk, cheese, yogurt, calcium-set tofu, Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli. Lack of calcium can lead to bone density issues, dental concerns, and muscular cramping. Overdosage of calcium can cause kidney stones; faulty kidney function; high blood levels of calcium; calcium deposits in soft tissue; decreased absorption of iron, zinc and magnesium
is a part of the thyroid hormones; it prevents goiter and a birth defect called infantile myxedema. We can find this mineral in iodized salt, seafood, kelp. Overdosage of iodine can lead to elevated level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
is a part of hemoglobin; it helps blood carry oxygen to your body’s tissues and muscles; needed to make energy; supports immune system health; prevents one type of anemia We can find iron in meat, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, fortified breads and cereals. Possible effects of taking too much are an upset stomach; constipation; diarrhea; dark stools; decreased absorption of zinc, calcium and copper.
helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function; it sustains regular heartbeat; keeps bones strong; helps your body produce energy. Magnesium is contained in meats, seafood, milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, bran cereal, nuts. 6
Possible effects of taking too much are diarrhea; nausea; appetite loss; muscle weakness; trouble breathing; low blood pressure; irregular heartbeat; mental changes; kidney failure.
is essential for healthy bones; helps your body produce energy . It is contained in milk, yogurt, cheese, peas, meat, fish, eggs, some cereals and breads Overdosage of phosphorus can cause decreased absorption of calcium. It also can join with calcium in the blood and form calcium deposits in soft tissue and also lead to porous bones.
supports your immune system; needed for wound healing and tissue repair; maintains your sense of taste and smell; helps digestion; supports normal reproduction, growth and development We can find zinc in red meats, liver, oysters, certain seafood, milk products, eggs, beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified cereals. Possible effects of taking too much are decreased absorption of iron and copper; reduced immune function; reduced levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL)—also called the “good cholesterol” Life is a game of balance. The dietary minerals or elements as they're known today, that are in every human are in a constant balancing act to regulate cellular health, which leads to total body health. Deviations in the balance of any of these elements can have adverse effects that could be life threatening. By promoting a balanced range of nutrition, you will be providing your body with the essential dietary elements which are necessary to develop and grow.
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты
необходимая часть; формирование костей и зубов; ткани и мышцы тела; камни в почках; злаки; потеря аппетита; нарушение в работе почек; заживление ран; сниженная всасываемость железа и меди; отложения кальция в мягких тканях.
Ex.2 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Why are minerals an essential part of life on Earth? 2. Does calcium play an important role in forming bones and teeth? 3. What mineral sustains regular heartbeat? 4. Overdosage of phosphorus can cause decreased absorption of calcium, can’t it? 5. Why is zinc needed? 7
6. What effects can the overdosage of iron have?

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a type of virus called a retrovirus, which infects the human immune system (the system in the body which is in charge of fighting off illness). HIV may cause AIDS (a collection of diseases and symptoms, or problems in the body) by eventually killing the white blood cells, which a healthy body uses to fight off disease. It is possible that a person can get infected with HIV if any body liquid with the virus gets into their body. The body liquids that carry HIV are blood, semen, liquid from the vagina, and breast milk. The liquids can go into the body through injured skin. However, though HIV might enter the body through any of these places, when people get HIV by having sex. There are some common ways to get HIV: • A person with HIV can give a sexual partner the virus if they have unprotected sex. That means having sexual intercourse without a condom. • A person can get HIV if he or she uses the same needle as a person with HIV to inject drugs or get a tattoo. • A person may get HIV if he or she is stuck by a needle that was used on a patient with HIV. • Babies can get the virus from their mothers when they are born or when they are breastfeeding. A baby may be protected from getting HIV this way if their mother takes certain medications while she is pregnant. • Blood transfusions using infected blood products was a common cause of HIV. The blood had been taken from people with HIV infections. Now, in the developed world screening of blood products for HIV has mostly stopped this happening. However, people may still get HIV from blood transfusions in less-developed countries if blood is not screened carefully. A person cannot get infected with HIV from non-sexual touching, like a hug or handshake, or touching someone else's saliva. A person cannot get HIV from an insect bite, 8
a cough, or a sneeze. People also cannot get HIV from touching light switches, using toilets, or drinking from the same glass as a person with HIV.
1. enlargement - увеличение 2. esophagus – пищевод 3. fever - жар, лихорадка; высокая температура 4. gastric – желудочный 5. headache – головная боль 6. liver – печень 7. lymphadenopathy – лимфаденопатия 8. lymph node - лимфоузел 9. malaise – недомогание 10. myalgia - миалгия, боль в мышцах 11. nausea – тошнота 12. neuropathy - нервное заболевание, невропатия 13. pharyngitis – фарингит 14. sore - болячка, рана, язва 15. spleen – селезенка 16. thrush - а) молочница б) афтозный стоматит 17. vomiting – рвота 18. weight loss – потеря веса
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Ретровирус; белые кровяные тельца; жидкость тела (биологическая жидкость); грудное молоко; через поврежденную кожу; сексуальный партнер; уколоться иглой; инфицированная кровь; укус насекомого;
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
Human immunodeficiency virus; to be in charge of fighting off illness; a collection of diseases and symptoms; semen; enter through the mouth; unprotected sex; breastfeeding; blood transfusion; cause of HIV; screening of blood products
Ex. 3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is HIV? 2. How can HIV cause AIDS? 3. How can person get infected with HIV? 4. What are the body liquids that carry HIV? 5. How can liquids go into the body? 9


Dr. Harper: Have you ever been sick before? Patient James Ross: Yes, sir. I have had scarlet fever and pneumonia. Dr. H.: Have you ever had measles? Chicken-pox? Whooping cough? Patient: Yes, sir. I had all the childhood diseases. Dr. H.: How about adult illnesses, have you ever had ТВ, jaundice, heart or kidney trouble? Patient: No, I have only had the ones I just told you. Dr. H.: Have you ever been operated on? Have you ever had any operations? Patient ’Yes, several. I’ve had my appendix out. And I’ve also had my tonsils operated on. Dr. H.: Did you ever break any bones? Patient: I broke my arm when I was a child and that’s all. Dr. H.: Are your parents living? Patient: No, both are no longer living. My father died of natural causes and my mother died of cardiac insufficiency. Dr. H.: Do you have brothers and sisters? Are they in good health? Patient: I have two brothers, one is living and the other is not. He had a stroke. My sister has diabetes. Dr. H.: Are you married? Do you have any children? Patient: Oh, yes. I’m married. I have two boys and they seem to be all right. Dr. H.: Do you smoke? Patient: I smoke 10 cigarettes a day. I tried to quit twice, but with no success.
1. scarlet fever – скарлатина 2. pneumonia – пневмония 3. measles - корь 4. chicken-pox – ветряная оспа 5. whooping cough - коклюш 6. ТВ (от tuberculosis) -туберкулез 10
7. jaundice - желтуха 8. tonsil - миндалевидная железа 9. died of natural causes – умереть в следствии естественных причин 10. cardiac insufficiency - сердечная недостаточность 11. stroke – удар
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
умер по естественным причинам; ломать руку; сердечная недостаточность; детские заболевания; удалить аппендикс; бросить дважды
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
adult illnesses; heart or kidney trouble; to break bone; to have an operation; to have a stroke; smoke 10 cigarettes a day; with no success
Ex. 3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Has James Ross ever been sick before? 2. Did patient ever break any bones? 3. Are patient’s parents living? 4. Does James Ross smoke? 5. Are patient’s brothers and sister in good health?

Before the treatment of a disease it is necessary to make diagnosis, to determine the cause of the disease, and all symptoms by which it can be revealed. Correct diagnosis must be based on a complete clinical examination of the patient. The usual methods of examination which doctors use in their practice, are: inquiry, inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion, taking the temperature, feeling the pulse, taking the blood pressure, making X-ray examinations and various laboratory studies. 11
By questioning the patient the doctor learns about his complaints, the onset of the disease, his past history and his family history, hereditary diseases. Inspection is the method by which doctor reveals the appearance of the patient, his build, nourishment, complexion, the state of his skin, mucous membranes, tongue, pupils, etc. While auscultating the patient, the physician can determine the abnormal heart sounds, crepitations and rales in the lungs. By palpation the doctor determines elasticity or rigidity of the abdomen, the outlines or the enlargement of the organ, swelling, edema and existence of growth. Percussion reveals dullness of sound and distribution of fluids in the body. The temperature is taken by means of thermometer to ascertain whether the patient has or has no temperature. The blood pressure is measured by means of monometer to find out whether the patient is suffering from hypertension or hypotension. The patient's pulse is felt to determine whether the pulse rate is normal or accelerated. The normal rate is 65-70 beats per minute. The usual laboratory studies are various blood tests, urine analyses, stool studies and sputum, bile examinations. Patient’s swabs or smears are taken for cytological examination. If the patient suffers from any kind of allergy it is necessary to make allergy tests. Biopsy specimens are taken to detect the character of tumor. In order to detect lesions in the bones or tissues patients are X-rayed. The results of physical examination and laboratory investigations are recorded into patient’s case history.
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
метод осмотра, расспрашивание, анамнез, берут, семейный анамнез, телосложение, хруст, крепитирующие хрипы, притупленность, необходимо, установить, выяснить, образец, мазок, цвет лица, записывают.
Ex.2 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What are the usual methods of examination? 2. What does inquiry reveal? 12
3. What does inspection reveal? 4. What can be determined by palpation, auscultation and percussion? 5. How do the doctors take the patient’s temperature, measure blood pressure? 6. What is the patient’s normal pulse? 7. Which are the usual laboratory studies? 8. In what case is it necessary to make biopsy? 9. When is an X-ray examination made?

I am a nurse. I work at a therapeutic hospital. Many doctors and nurses work at the hospital. Our hospital is very large. Work at the hospital begins at 6 o’clock in the morning. The nurses begin to take the patients’ temperature at 6 o’clock. They write it down in temperature charts. Then the nurses give the patients medicines and carry out other prescriptions of the doctors. They open the windows and air the wards. The sometimes I tell the doctor that the temperature of some of the patients is high and the doctor prescribes some new medicine or injections. I like my profession very much. I know that much of the nurse’s work can be learnt by practice. So I am very attentive and try to observe any changes in a patient’s condition. doctors come at 9 o’clock in the morning and begin to examine the patients. Each ward nurse tells the doctor about her patients. As I am a ward nurse the doctor asks me about the condition of my patients. Sometimes I tell him that they are well. And
1. bed – patient – лежачий больной 2. sitting patient – сидячий больной 3. up – patient – ходячий больной 4. in – patient – стационарный больной 5. out – patient – амбулаторный больной

Many aspects of obstetric physical examination are unique. The assessment of pregnancy should begin with a general examination of a pregnant woman. The general examination includes first of all the woman’ s height and weight. 13
Then the body mass index (BMI) can be calculated, because some antenatal and perinatal complications are associated with a BMI less 20 and more 25. The thyroid gland and breast should also be examined. Auscultation of the heart sound and lungs is essential. Many detected conditions, such as a cardiac murmur, breast lumps and others may have significant implications on the course of her pregnancy and health. Sometimes more detailed examinations are indicated in a diabetic or hypertensive woman. The measurement of maternal blood pressure (BP) is of great importance in pregnancy. An abdominal examination (palpation and auscultation) is another important step of physical examination of a pregnant woman. It may indicate the shape and size of the uterus. The uterine size is objectively measured and expressed as height. The highest point of the fundus of the uterus should be palpated. It is important because the number of fetuses may be determined. By palpation the pelvic presentation of the fetus is examined as well. All the examination findings are necessary for understanding of a woman clinical condition. They should form the basis for further investigations if needed.
1. assessment - оценка 2. pregnancy - беременность 3. pregnant - беременная 4. height - рост 5. weight - вес 6. antenatal - утробный, до рождения 7. perinatal - перинатальный 8. thyroid - щитовидный 9. essential - необходимый, важный 10. murmur - шум (в сердце) 11. lump - зд. нарушение 12. significant - значительный, существенный 13. implication - зд. значение, смысл 14. to indicate - требовать, указывать 15. measurement - измерение 16. uterus - матка 17. shape - форма, очертание 18. fundus - дно 19. fetus - плод 20. to determine - определять 21. presentation - зд. предлежание 14

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Акушерский физикальный осмотр; общий осмотр; должен включать; рост и вес; можно посчитать; осложнения; тон сердца; требуется; указывать на; размер матки; дно матки; также определяется; клиническое состояние женщины; основа для дальнейших исследований.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
A pregnant woman; are associated; a thyroid gland; an implication; blood pressure; an abdominal examination; is measured; the highest point; presentation of the fetus; if needed.
Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What does the general examination of a pregnant woman include? 2. What does BMI mean? 3. Is heart sound auscultation essential? 4. What detected conditions may have significant implication? 5. What is necessary for a diabetic or hypertensive woman? 6. What may abdominal examination reveal? 7. Why is it important to palpate the fundus of the uterus? 8. Why are all the examination findings necessary?

Labour is divided into three stages. The first stage begins with onset of pains and ends with the full dilatation of the cervix. It is the stage of dilation. At this stage uterine contractions occur from time to time. The second stage begins after full dilatation of the cervix and ends with expulsion of foetus. The third stage begins after the expulsion of the foetus and ends with the expulsion of the placenta and membranes. When the uterine contractions become more strongly the pregnant woman suffers of pains and discomforts very much. She fears for her baby and herself. An obstetrician may give some medicine or anesthesia to the woman, if it is necessary. A role of a midwife is very important at that time. She must be very attentive and polite to the woman, she must 15
try to calm, support and help her. The midwife must remember that she is responsible for the health and life of the pregnant woman and her baby.
1. labour - роды 2. birth - роды 3. dilatation - расширение, раскрытие 4. contraction - мн.ч. схватки 5. cervix - шейка 6. expulsion - выталкивание, изгнание(плода) 7. foetus - утробный плод 8. placenta - детское место, послед, плацента 9. membrane - плева ,оболочка, пленка 10. to deliver - родить; принимать (роды)
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
на подготовить; как можно удобнее; какие-либо проблемы; должна поддерживать; отдохнуть и расслабиться; если необходимо; головки ребенка начинает появляться; это даст ей силы.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
Into three stage; full dilatation; after the expulsion of the foetus; become more strongly; must be very attentive; an obstetrician; for the birth; during her pregnancy; during her labour; the task of the midwife; the infant’s head appear.
Ex3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What stages is labour divided? 2. What is the second stage? 3. Does a pregnant woman suffer from pains during labour? 4. Is the role of the midwife important at that time? 5. Must the midwife help the woman during pushing? 6. At what case must a pediatric team be present during labour? 7. What are the duties of the midwife during the woman’s delivery?

Practicing a good hygiene is extremely important to keep your baby happy and healthy all the time. Apart from the basic cleanliness, there are certain areas that require special attention to avoid any kind of infection. A good bath is necessary to keep the baby clean and tidy. But make sure you are not over-bathing your baby. Bathing the baby 2 or 3 times a week is sufficient in the first year. Excessive bathing can lead the skin to go dry and chip. It is advised to go for sponge bathing your baby till the time the navel area gets completely healed. Position the baby on a surface that is not hard, (spread a soft towel), in a warm room. Arrange for a warm water, a moist bath linen, and gentle baby soap. One of your hands should all the time be on the baby. Expose only that area of baby's body which is to be washed, keeping the rest of the body covered by a towel. Do not use soap on baby's face. And wash rest of the body using mildly soapy water Baby's nails are an important part that requires proper hygiene. Always keep baby's nails well-trimmed so that he/she cannot scratch himself/herself. The ideal time to trim your baby's nails is when he/she is in sleep. Do not cut the nails too deep, it can hurt the baby. Baby-sized nail clippers or scissors can be used to clip the nails. Mother's must pay special attention towards the baby's ears. Make sure you are washing only and strictly the outer ear and not the inside of the ear. Never use a cotton bud or swab to clean baby's ear as it can lead to damage of eardrum leading to permanent deafness. Proper cleaning of baby's nose is also essential part of the overall cleanliness of the baby. Look out for dried mucus collected in the nose, this can sometimes create problem for the baby to breathe. Use a damp wash cloth to gently clean any dried mucus in the nostrils.(Stop if the baby is feeling irritated and upset.) Use a nasal syringe to remove excess mucus from a runny or engorged , to avoid any kind of breathing problem. Cloth diapers are less expensive than disposable ones, but unless you use a diaper service, cloth diapers are more work for you. Most newborns use about 10 diapers a day. If you are going to wash diapers, start with about 4 dozen. You can always buy more if you find this isn't enough.
1. method – метод 17
2. good health – хорошее здоровье 3. industrial hazards – опасности, вызванные деятельностью промышленностью 4. water supply – водоснабжение 5. exposure – воздействие 6. infectious disease – инфекционная болезнь 7. digestive tract – пищеварительный тракт 8. oral cavity – ротовая полость 9. personal hygiene – личная гигиена 10. oil glands – сальные железы 11. surface- поверхность 12. sweat glands – потовые железы 13. to require – требовать 14. sufficient – достаточный 15. navel – пупок 16. to heal – заживать 17. to require – требовать 18. cotton bud – ватная палочка 19. deafness – глухота 20. diaper – подгузник
Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Включает, опасности, вызванные промышленностью, эти аспекты, хорошее здоровье, подверженность риску инфекционных заболеваний, вентиляция (проветривание), заботиться о, зрение, хронические инфекции, очень важно, пупок, накрыт полотенцем, подстричь ногти, ватная палочка, чистить уши, назальный шприц.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents
Найдите русские эквиваленты.
A lot of methods; to maintain; a great many aspects of living; possible contacts; the source of water supply; the people’s health., ventilation, industrial hazards, exposure to infectious diseases, these aspects, personal hygiene, oral cavity, oil glands, sweat glands, extremely important, certain areas, bathing the baby, the navel area, soft towel, baby's nails, a nasal syringe, cloth diapers. 18

Ex. 3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What does the hygiene of the body include? 2. How many aspects of living does hygiene involve? 3. What do all these aspects influence? 4. What helps to keep the baby clean and tidy? 5. What is the ideal time to trim baby's nails? 6. Why is proper cleaning of baby's nose so important? 7. How many diapers a day do most newborns use?

Obstetric history-taking is a skill for good clinical practice. Competence in this area requires a deep knowledge. A carefully taken obstetric history provides good results of a physical examination of a pregnant woman because many important details of her pregnancy can be revealed. An obstetrician should ask a name of the woman, age, number of pregnancies, including the current one (or gravidity) and parity (number of births). The expected date of delivery (EDD) can be calculated from last menstrual period (LMP) by the rule: add one year and seven days to the LMP and subtract 3 months. Then it is necessary to inquire about her health and that of her fetus. After 20 weeks it is inquired about fetal movements. Then the obstetrician asks of the current problems if there are any. Much attention should be paid to laboratory tests and ultrasound scans. A medical worker (obstetrician) should reveal the facts and any significant events of the previous pregnancies which may have influence at the current pregnancy, such as maternal complications, mode of delivery, birth weights and the life and health oh babies. It may be relevant to know some medical conditions because they may have a significant impact on the pregnancy. Heart disease, epilepsy, bronchial asthma, thyroid disorders, insulin-dependent diabetes and other medical conditions may have significant impact on the pregnancy. Alternatively pregnancy may have an impact on the medical condition. 19
During pregnancy the use of drugs should be noted because allergic complications may occur. It is important to reveal hereditary illness or congenital defects, and it may be of concern to the couple. Appropriate counseling and investigations may be organized. It is time to discuss about stopping to smoke or to reduce alcohol intact. Social aspects such as childcare arrangements and plans for breast-feeding and contraception can be discussed at this point. The summery of obstetric history should include main details that will impact on the investigations to be carried out and the proposed plan of a pregnancy management.
1. Obstetrics - акушерство 2. Obstetrician - акушерка 3. Obstetric - акушерский 4. to require - требовать 5. to provide - обеспечивать 6. to reveal - выявлять 7. gravidity - беременность 8. parity - способность к деторождению 9. delivery - роды 10. to subtract вычитать 11. to inquire - спрашивать, узнавать 12. fetus - утробный плод 13. ultrasound - ультразвук 14. antenatal - предродовой, преднатальный 15. maternal - материнский 16. mode - способ 17. relevant - уместный 18. epilepsy - эпилепсия 19. bronchial asthma - бронхиальная астма 20. thyroid - щитовидная железа 21. diabetes - диабет 22. hereditary - наследственный 23. congenital - врожденный 24. counseling - консультация, совет
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Клиническая практика; глубокие знания; физикальное обследование; беременная женщина; можно посчитать; менструальный период; необходимо; большое внимание; выявить факты; значительное влияние; аллергические осложнения; 20
наследственные болезни; врожденные дефекты; пара; грудное вскармливание; ведение беременности.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
Competence in this area; provides good results; examination of a pregnant woman; number of pregnancies; her fetus; fetal movements; the current problems; may have influence; mode of delivery; may be relevant; medical conditions; significant impact; it may be concern; alcohol intake; can be discussed; investigations to be carried out.
Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What can be revealed by the physical examination of a pregnant woman? 2. What should an obstetrician ask a pregnant woman? 3. How can EDD be calculated? 4. Are laboratory tests important for the pregnant woman examination? 5. May medical conditions impact on the course of the pregnancy? 6. Is it important to reveal hereditary illnesses and congenital defects? Is it concerned only a pregnant woman? 7. Is smoking and alcohol dangerous for a pregnant woman? 8. What should the summery of obstetric history include?

A blood transfusion is a safe, common procedure in which you receive blood through an intravenous (IV) line inserted into one of your blood vessels. Blood transfusions are used to replace blood lost during surgery or a serious injury. A transfusion also might be done if your body can't make blood properly because of an illness. During a blood transfusion, a small needle is used to insert an IV line into one of your blood vessels. Through this line, you receive healthy blood. The procedure usually takes 1 to 4 hours, depending on how much blood you need. Blood transfusions are very common. Each year, almost 5 million Americans need a blood transfusion. Most blood transfusions go well. Mild complications can occur. Very rarely, serious problems develop. 21
Important Information About Blood The heart pumps blood through a network of arteries and veins in the body. Blood has many vital jobs. For example, it carries oxygen and other nutrients to your body's organs and tissues. Having a healthy supply of blood is important for your overall health. Blood is made up of various parts, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets (PLATE- lets), and plasma. Blood is transfused either as whole blood (with all its parts) or, more often, as individual parts.
Blood Types.
Every person has one of the following blood types: A, B, AB, or O. Also, every person's blood is either Rh-positive or Rh-negative. So, if you have type A blood, it's either A positive or A negative. The blood used in a transfusion must work with your blood type. If it doesn't, antibodies (proteins) in your blood attack the new blood and make you sick. Type O blood is safe for almost everyone. About 40 percent of the population has type O blood. People who have this blood type are called universal donors. Type O blood is used for emergencies when there's no time to test a person's blood type. People who have type AB blood are called universal recipients. This means they can get any type of blood. If you have Rh-positive blood, you can get Rh-positive or Rh-negative blood. But if you have Rh-negative blood, you should only get Rh-negative blood. Rh-negative blood is used for emergencies when there's no time to test a person's Rh type.
Blood Banks.
Blood banks collect, test, and store blood. They carefully screen all donated blood for infectious agents (such as viruses) or other factors that could make you sick. (For more information, go to Blood banks also screen each blood donation to find out whether it's type A, B, AB, or O and whether it's Rh-positive or Rh-negative. You can get very sick if you receive a blood type that doesn't work with your own blood type. Thus, blood banks carefully test donated blood.
1. a blood transfusion – переливание крови 2. a common procedure – обычная процедура 3. intravenous –внутривенная 4. blood vessels – кровеносные сосуды 22
5. to replace- заменить 6. complications – осложнения 7. rarely – редко 8. arteries – артерии 9. a blood type – группа крови 10. antibodies – антитела 11. to collect – собирать 12. carefully – внимательно 13. donated blood – донорская кровь
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Переливание крови безопасно, кровеносный сосуд, во время операции, процедура обычно занимает, небольшие осложнения, сердце перекачивает кровь, сеть артерий и вен, группа крови, антитела, собирают, тестируют и хранят кровь, донорская кровь.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
A safe procedure, to receive blood, a blood vessel, to replace blood, lost during surgery, a serious injury, to make blood properly, mild complications, to pump blood, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, a blood type, universal recipients, to test donated blood.
Ex. 3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is blood transfusion? 2. When are blood transfusions used? 3. What kind of needles are used during a blood transfusion? 4. Can complications occur during a blood transfusion? 5. What blood types do you know? 6. What do blood banks do?

Treatment of injuries or traumas by operative techniques is the subject of surgery. 23
The surgeon has always been an integral part of medical science. Early medical texts are devoted chiefly to records of surgical cases. Strangely, however, the great advances in surgery have been dependent on medical discoveries in other fields. These advances include the discovery of ether anesthesia by Morton and Long in 1847; the discovery of the principle of antisepsis by Joseph Lister in 1865—87, and the application of rubber gloves introduced by Halstead. The use of blood transfusion, the control of fluid in the body and the use of drugs for various symptoms have also aided success in surgery. Not many years have passed since the time when few surgeons dared to invade the interior of the abdomen. Today every portion of the human body has been invaded successfully. The surgery of today is called physiological surgery and is aimed at restoring (восстановление) normal function of various organs and tissues when these functions have failed.
1. integral-неотъемлемый 2. chiefly-главным образом 3. ether-эфир 4. to aid-способствовать 5. to invade-вторгаться 6. to aim-нацелиться
Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
ранения и травмы; неотъемлемая часть; однако; великие достижения; принцип антисептики; применение переливание крови; различные симптомы; каждая часть; ткани; успех; потерпеть неудачу.
Ex.2. Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
operative techniques; records of surgical cases; application of rubber gloves; use of drugs for various symptoms; have also aided success; dared to invade; every portion of the human body; has been invaded.
Ex.3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is the subject of surgery? 24
2. Who has always been an integral part of medical science? 3. Who discovered ether anesthesia? 4. What did Joseph Lister propose? 5. The use of blood transfusion, the control of fluid in the body and the use of drugs for various symptoms have also aided success in surgery, haven’t they? 6. Is the surgery of today called physiological or urgent surgery?

The term "surgery" comes from Greek. Surgery is the branch of medicine in which various mechanical therapeutic manipulations (incisions, punctures, suturing, reductions of dislocations and so on) performed by the physician used. These procedures are designated by the words" surgical operation" or merely by one word "operation". For a very long time surgical operations were performed only on the superficial parts of the body, but even after such operations severe inflammations due to the infection of wound were frequently met with, causing death. Only during the second half of the 19th century, general development of natural science made it possible to solve this difficult problem. The brilliant Russian surgeon N. I. Pirogov was the first to voice the assumption that wounds were infected by invasion of special causative agents named by him "miasmas". In 1863 the famous French scientist Pasteur published the results of his remarkable studies of the processes of putrefaction. Pasteur proved that these processes were evoked by minute living organisms — bacteria. On the basis of Pasteur's works the British surgeon Lister concluded that the purulence of wounds was also caused by bacteria which found their way into the wounds from the air. To protect the wounds from the penetration of bacteria or to destroy these bacteria after their penetration into the wounds Lister began to irrigate the wounds with a solution of carbolic acid and to treat the instruments and dressing material to be used in the operations with the same solution. The method elaborated by Lister was given the name of antiseptic. This method gave fine results. 25
During the years that followed scientists found that to protect the wounds from infection it was enough to treat all objects to be handled and used during an operation with a physical agent namely, heat. This new method of disinfection was given the name of asepsis. The antiseptic and aseptic methods of treating wounds revolutionized surgery and almost completely eliminated the danger of infecting wounds to be operated on.
1. incision - иссечение,разрез, надрез 2. puncture -пункция, прокол 3. suturing -наложение шва 4. reduction - of dislocation вправление вывиха 5. superficial -parts of the body поверхность тела 6. infection of the wound заражение раны 7. to voice -зд. высказать 8. special causative agents - специфические возбудители 9. miasmas (pl) от miasma миазмы 10.putrefaction - гниение 11.minute living organisms - мельчайшие живые организмы 12.purulence - нагноение 13.solution of carbolic acid - раствор карболовой кислоты 14.to treat the instruments обрабатывать инструменты 15.dressing material - перевязочный материал 16.antiseptic - антисептический 17.antisepsis - антисептика 18.namely - а именно 19.asepsis - асептика
Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
термин; поверхность тела; часто; тяжелые воспаления; вывих; наложение шва; быть первым; вызывая (являясь причиной); даже после; гниение; прийти к выводу; французский ученый; на основе работ Пастера; раны; опубликованный; в течение последующих лет; жар.
Ex.2. Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
branch of medicine; are designated; second half of the 19th century; general development of natural science; made it possible; to voice the assumption; purulence of wounds; methods of treating wounds; to irrigate the wounds; fine results; eliminated the danger of infecting wounds. 26

Ex.3. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Where does the term "surgery" come from? 2. What do the words "surgical operation" mean? 3. What were inflammatory processes after operations due to? 4. When was this difficult problem solved? 5. What made it possible to solve the problem? 6. Who was the first to discover the real cause of wound infection? 7. What did the famous French scientist Pasteur publish? 8. What did Pasteur prove? 9. What did the British surgeon Lister conclude on the basis of Pasteur’s work? 10. What did Lister begin to do to protect the wounds from the penetration of bacteria? 11. With what did he treat the instruments to be used in the operations? 12.What name was given to the Lister’s method? 13. What new method did the scientists find during the years that followed? 14. What is the significance of the antiseptic and aseptic methods for surgery?

Though organ transplants are becoming more common in modern medicine, it was not that long ago that transplanting certain organs seemed like science fiction. The idea of transferring an organ from one body to another has been around for a long time, but today we can transplant several organs, including the heart, lungs and liver. Ancient Transplants and Myths. Many Roman and Chinese myths cite transplants of legs and hearts by saints and medicine men, but the first account of an actual transplant took place in the second century B.C. The Indian surgeon Sushruta transplanted skin from one man to help rebuild the nose of another man. Another recorded account of transplantation took place in the late 16th century, again with skin. Italian surgeon Gasparo Tagliacozzi also did a skin graft, but his is also the first recorded account of rejection of the transplant by the patient. Early 1900s. The most important experimenter of transplantation in the early 20th century was the French surgeon Alexis Carrel. He began to experiment with the 27
transplantation of arteries and veins, one of his few successful human procedures. This work would earn him the Nobel Prize in 1912. Carrel also was the first to identify the problem of rejection, a dilemma that would stymie many scientists and doctors. Experimenting on dogs, Carrel learned the recipient body most often rejects donor organ material. Joseph Murray. In 1954, Dr. Joseph Murray performed the first successful transplant of a kidney. The procedure, which transferred a kidney from one identical twin to another, was successful because the twins shared the same genes and the new body did not reject the kidney. He followed this procedure in 1962 with the first successful transplantation of a kidney from a dead body to a living one. Using immunosuppressive drugs during surgery, Murray stopped the recipient from rejecting the new kidney. Other Organs. The next major organs to be transplanted were the lungs in 1963 by James Hardy of Mississippi. The lungs were taken from a deceased donor and put into a patient with lung cancer. The recipient lived for 18 days before his kidneys failed. A Colorado doctor attempted a liver transplant also that year, but would have to wait until 1967 to achieve success. The first heart transplant came in 1967 by Christiaan Barnard in South Africa, but the recipient also died 18 days later. Advances. The success of modern transplant can be attributed to cyclosporine, an immunosuppressant. Designed to reduce the immune system, cyclosporine helped the body adapt to the newly transplanted tissue. In 1980s, the FDA also approved a drug called Viaspan that helped people with new livers live longer. In 1992, the first baboon- to-man transplant successfully occurred. The FDA is testing a drug called Cylex, which could reduce infections in postoperative patients.
1. science fiction – научная фантастика 2. to cite - упомянуть 3. saints – святые 4. an account – отчет 5. to take place- иметь место, быть 6. the second century B.C. – во втором веке до Н.Э. 7. to rebuild – восстановить 28
8. in the late 16th century – в конце 16 века 9. a surgeon – хирург 10. a skin graft – лоскут кожи 11. a rejection of the transplant – отторжение трансплантата 12. to earn - заработать, получить 13. to identify – обозначить 14. the problem of rejection – проблема отторжения 15. the recipient body – тело реципиента 16. to perform – выполнять 17. immunosuppressive drugs – иммунодепрессанты 18. a kidney – почка 19. lungs – легкие 20. a deceased donor – умерший донор 21. a cancer – рак 22. an attempt – попытка 23. to achieve success – добиться успеха 24. can be attributed – можно отнести 25. to reduce – редуцировать, сократить
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Было похоже на научную фантастику, идея трансплантации органов, включая сердце, легкие, печень, в мифах упоминаются, пересадка ног и сердца , восстановить нос, лоскут кожи, экспериментируя на собаках, пересадка артерий и вен, проблема отторжения, первая удачная пересадка, достичь успеха, первая пересадка сердца, иммунодепрессанты.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
The idea of transferring an organ, to transplant several organs, including the heart, lungs and liver, the first account of an actual transplant, to help rebuild the nose, a skin graft, an experimenter of transplantation, the transplantation of arteries and veins, the Nobel Prize, to reject donor organ material, the first successful transplant of a kidney, immunosuppressive drugs, the first heart transplant, to achieve success, to adapt to the newly transplanted tissue. 29

Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Can doctors transplant several organs, including the heart, lungs and liver? 2. Who transplanted skin from one man to help rebuild the nose of another man? 3. Who was the most important experimenter of transplantation in the early 20th century? 4. When did Dr. Joseph Murray perform the first successful transplant of a kidney? 5. How did Murray stop the recipient from rejecting the new kidney? 6. When did the first baboon- to -man transplant successfully occur?

A new study suggests that people who have smoked for more than 25 years may have caused lung cell damage, which can not be stopped by quitting. According to researchers long-term smoking appears to trigger a biological switch in the lung, which causes cell growth and this in turn could lead to cancer. Besides, most smokers die from heart disease. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of heart disease almost immediately. It’s always worth giving up, whatever your age, but the sooner the better. Scientists say, that smoking causes at least 24 separate diseases and there are clear benefits from giving up smoking at any time. There are immediate benefits, short-term benefits and long-term benefits from quitting smoking. And there are clear benefits both for individuals and their families – according to the new study. Within two years of stopping smoking the increased risk ok heart disease is halved. And many other unpleasant diseases, like emphysema, which damage the quality of life can be prevented by stopping smoking. A large-scale study published in 1994 found that cigarettes would eventually kill one in two smokers, and that smoking was lethal and nicotine was an addictive drug. Can’t stop smoking? Then cut some risks. The ill effects of cigarette smoking on health and appearance and a social climate is evident. And it is difficult for nonsmokers to understand why anyone continues to smoke. But cigarettes still have a stranglehold on millions of people, many of whom think they cannot quit or have no desire to try. 30
Clearly, there is no substitute for quitting smoking and banishing it from the air we breathe. But there is reason to believe that active and passive smokers can to some degree counter the ill effects of tobacco. Much of the harm caused by tobacco smoke can be traced to what biochemists call oxidative damage. To counter such damage, recent studies suggest, the diet should be rich in a group of nutrients known as antioxidants. The major dietary antioxidants are vitamins C and E, beta- carotene and other carotenoids But vitamin E is hard to come by in an otherwise wholesome diet, for it is most prominent in vegetable oils and margarine, which should be cautiously consumed in a low-fat diet. To raise vitamin E intake to effective antioxidant levels, a daily supplement is necessary. Doctors recommend fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially species like mackerel, salmon, bluefish and sardines, is another good source of protective nutrients. Diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids are associated with a low risk of developing coronary heart disease and suffering heart attacks.
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты:
изгонять из общества, удушение, жирные кислоты, питательное вещество, антиоксидант, сердечный приступ, рак, легкие, бросить курить, сидеть на диете, пассивный курильщик

More people are abusing drugs today than in any other time in history of mankind and many of those people are youth. Understanding what drugs are is fundamental for understanding their potential abuse . Drugs are a psychoactive substance. A psychoactive substance is something that people take to change the way they feel think or behave . Some of these substances are called drugs and other , like alcohol and tobacco , are considered dangerous , but are not called drugs .The term drug also covers a number of substances that must be used under medical supervision to treat illnesses . I am going to talk about drugs as those man—made or naturally occurring substances used without medical supervision , basically to change the way a person feels thinks or 31
behaves . In the past , most drugs were made from plants . That is plants were grown and then converted into drugs such as coca paste , opium and marijuana . Over the years ,these crude products were further processed to drugs like cocaine and heroin and finally , in the 20th century , people found out how to make drugs from chemicals. There are called man—made or synthetic drugs and include ecstasy , LSD, etc . These were initially manufactured for largely experimental reasons and only later were used for recreation purposes . Now , however , with the increased size and scope of the drug trade , people set out to invent drugs especially for human consumption . For the first time in human history , a whole industrial complex creates and produces drugs that are meant to be used for the sole purpose of "having fan" . People use drugs just to escape the reality , to have fun . The majority of them are young , even very young , who do not understand what might happen to them because of drugs
: 1. to abuse - злоупотреблять 2. drugs - наркотики 3. mankind – человечество 4. youth - молодежь 5. substance - вещество 6. to behave – вести себя, поступать, держаться 7. to consider – думать, полагать, считать 8. dangerous - опасный 9. to cover – включать, содержать 10. supervision – лечение, предписание 11. to treat - лечить 12. illness - болезнь 13. plants - растения 14. crude - сырой 15. to find – найти, изобрести 16. ecstasy – экстази (наркотик, вызывающий чувство эйфории, широко употребляется на дискотеках ) 32
17. LSD – ЛСД (наркотик, вызывающий галлюцинации) 18. initially – в начальной стадии, вначале 19. recreational – развлекательный, относящийся к сфере развлечений, отдыху 20. purpose – назначение, намерение, цель 21. to invent - изобрести 22. consumption - потребление 23. to escape – уходить от реальности, отключаться 24. majority - большинство
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Злоупотребляют наркотиками, препараты психотропного вещества, должны применяться под наблюдением врача, были сделаны из растений, уйти от реальности.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
understanding their potential abuse; take to change the way they feel think or behave, must be used under medical supervision, to treat illnesses; basically to change the way a person feels thinks or behaves;
Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1)What is fundamental to understand the essence of drugs? 2)What are drugs? 3) What is a psychoactive substance? 4) What kind of drugs do you know? 5) What naturally occurring drugs do you know? 6)What synthetic drugs do you know? 7) Why do people use drugs?

Aids is an abbreviation for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. This means that the body’s natural defense mechanism against infection is seriously impaired. Aids is an illness that can kill Aids is caused by a virus called HIV. People with Aids can look and feel healthy. There are no particular symptoms of AIDS as they depend solely upon whichever chance infection affects the sufferer. This is the main risk of the disease. Like hepatitis B the AIDS virus has been found in most sufferer but is transmitted mainly 33
by contact with blood containing the virus. HIV is present on the blood of all infected persons but it usually takes years before they suffer any effects. You should know some important facts about Aids. You can get infected with the Aids virus by:  Having sex with a person who has the virus;  Sharing needles to inject drugs with a person who has the virus. To protect yourself from Aids:  You should always use condom if you have sex. Use it properly. Read the directions on the package.  Do not use anyone else’s needles. Don’t share your needles with anyone. Don’t forget that a woman with the Aids virus can infect her unborn baby. A woman with the Aids virus can also pass it to her baby when breast-feeding. If you think you may be infected you can take your blood test and it can show if you have the Aids virus. You cannot get the Aids virus by:  sitting near someone;  shaking hands;  using bathrooms, telephones, drinking fountains;  eating in a restaurant;  sharing food, plates, cups, forks and spoons;  swimming in a pool;  being bitten by mosquitoes or other bugs;  giving blood. You cannot get the Aids virus through the air or by everyday contact.
1. a defense mechanism – защитный механизм 2. an illness – болезнь 3. to kill – убить 4. healthy – здоровый 5. an infection – инфекция 6. to suffer – страдать 34
7. body fluids – биологические жидкости 8. containing the virus – содержащей вирус 9. a needle – игла 10. to protect – защищать 11. a condom – презерватив 12. to infect – заразить 13. to take a blood test - сдать анализ крови
Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.
Синдром иммунодефицита, защитный механизм организма, выглядеть и чувствовать себя здоровым, основной риск заболевания, биологические жидкости, обмениваться иглами, инфицировать ребенка, анализ крови, рукопожатие.
Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.
The body’s natural defence mechanism, an illness that can kill, symptoms of AIDS, a sufferer, to get infected with the Aids virus, the blood of all infected persons, sharing needles, to infect her unborn baby, when breast-feeding, shaking hands.
Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is the main risk of Aids? 2. What important facts should we know about Aids? 3. What should we do to protect ourselves from Aids? 4. Can we get the Aids virus by shaking hands, sharing food, swimming in a pool? 5. Can we get the Aids virus through the air? 35

1. Козырева Л.Г. Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002. – 316 с. 2. Кролик Н.И. Английский язык для студентов – медиков: Учебное пособие для вузов. - М.: ООО Изд-во Астрель, 2003. – 128 с. 3. Маслова А.М. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов./Маслова А.М., Вайнштейн З.И., Плебейская Л.С.- М.: Высшая школа, 1983. – 352 с. 4. Муравейская М.С., Орлова Л.К. Английский язык для медиков. Учебное пособие для студентов, аспирантов, врачей и научных сотрудников. М: «Флинта», «Наука», 2002. – 384 с. 5. Мухина В.В. Английский язык для медицинских училищ. - М.: Высшая школа, 2002. - 141 с. 6. Тылкина С.А. Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ. - М.: АНМИ, 1997. – 157 с. 7. Щедрина Т.П. Английский язык в медицине. -М.: Высшая школа, 2004. – 207 с. 8. Katrin Senior, David Salariya. The X-Ray Picture Book of Your Body. Watts Books, London, 1995. – 47 c. 9. Nicola Peterson. Herbal Remedies. Blitz Editions, 1995. – 256 c. 10.Julius B. Richmond, Elenore T. Pounds, Charles B. Corbin. Health for Life. Scott, Foresman and Comp. Illinois, 1987. – 320 c. 36

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